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We are proud to support the Oconomowoc Area School District in contributing to the quality of life in Oconomowoc for so many families. Strong schools make strong communities. With your financial support, we can promote continued academic achievement, student and staff accomplishments in the OASD.

All students in the Oconomowoc Area School District benefit from OPEF funding. OPEF projects span all grades, subjects, and learning needs, and support teachers in advancing innovation, excellence, and state-of-the-art curriculum for OASD students.

The Oconomowoc Public Education Foundation (OPEF) needs friends like you to help bring innovative and expansive teaching programs to OASD.  Our grants give educators in the district the opportunity to creatively enhance curriculum. We encourage risk-taking, pilot programs, and thinking outside the box!

OPEF has given nearly $500,000 for classroom grants since 2007, but there is still need for more grant programs in our schools. With your help, we can increase funding for the many grant applications OPEF receives each year from teachers in our school district!

Will you help us fund educational innovation for Oconomowoc students? You may designate your gift to one of several specific areas of learning, to the OPEF Endowment Fund, or to the General Fund. Thank you in advance for your thoughtful consideration.

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